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EBOOK Engagement and Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing

EBOOK Engagement and Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing


Autor: Angus Wilson

Wydawnictwo: Learning Matters
ISBN: 9781473905276
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Being able to engage with service users and communicate effectively is a fundamental skill identified by the NMC and required of all mental health nurses. The reality is that building rapport and developing therapeutic relationships does not come instinctively for everyone. The authors have responded to this with a book that explains the different...
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EBOOK Anglo-Saxon Attitudes

EBOOK Anglo-Saxon Attitudes


Autor: Angus Wilson

Wydawnictwo: The New York Review of Books
ISBN: 9781590177846
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Gerald Middleton is a sixty-year-old self-proclaimed failure. Worse than that, he's "e;a failure with a conscience."e; As a young man, he was involved in an archaeological dig that turned up an obscene idol in the coffin of a seventh-century bishop and scandalized a generation. The discovery was in fact the...
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