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Seven Hanged

Seven Hanged


Autor: Andreyev Leonid

Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780241252130
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It was like walking along the knife-edge of the highest possible mountain range, seeing life on one side and death on the other in the form of two deep, gorgeous and gleaming seascapes.'This astonishing novella from 1908, newly translated for Little Black Classics by War and Peace translator Anthony Briggs, probes the emotions and experiences of...
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Abyss and Other Stories

Abyss and Other Stories


Autor: Andreyev Leonid

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847497239
Kategoria: Pozostałe
As the young Zinaida and her sweetheart, the student Nemovetsky, stroll through the idyllic Russian countryside, their memories, dreams and thoughts about life and the future mingle in the evening breeze. But when night falls, they hasten to retrace their steps back to town through a small wood, where they are accosted by three threatening...
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