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EBOOK Sisterhood of Blackberry Corner

EBOOK Sisterhood of Blackberry Corner


Autor: Andrea Smith

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780440337096
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Canaan Creek, South Carolina, in the 1950s is a tiny town where the close-knit African-American community is united by long-term friendships and church ties. Bonnie Wilder has lived here, on Blackberry Corner, all her life, and would be content but for her deep desire to have a child. She and her husband Naz cannot conceive, and he refuses to...
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EBOOK Friday Night at Honeybee's

EBOOK Friday Night at Honeybee's


Autor: Andrea Smith

Wydawnictwo: Delta
ISBN: 9780307485137
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Everyone who's anyone in the Harlem music scene has heard of Honeybee McColor and the famous Friday night gathers that fill her house to bursting. In the early 1960s, nowhere but The Big House attracts so many renowned jazz and blues musiciansand no one but Miss Honeybee attracts talented lost souls like Forestine Bent and Viola Bembrey.The...
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