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EBOOK Birth House

EBOOK Birth House


Autor: Ami McKay

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307371447
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Birth House is the story of Dora Rare, the first daughter to be born in five generations of Rares. As a child in an isolated village in Nova Scotia, she is drawn to Miss Babineau, an outspoken Acadian midwife with a gift for healing. Dora becomes Miss B.s apprentice, and together they help the women of Scots Bay through infertility, difficult...
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EBOOK Virgin Cure

EBOOK Virgin Cure


Autor: Ami McKay

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307374097
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Following in the footsteps of The Birth House, her powerful debut novel, The Virgin Cure secures Ami McKay's place as one of our most beguiling storytellers. (Not that it has to that is pretty much taken care of!)"e;I am Moth, a girl from the lowest part of Chrystie Street, born to a slum-house mystic and the man who broke her...
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