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Love Poems

Love Poems


Autor: Alexander Pushkin

Wydawnictwo: Alma Classics
ISBN: 9781847493002
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
One of the many aspects of Alexander Pushkin's immense contribution to Russian language and literature, and perhaps the one he is most popular for, is his mastery of the love poem, a genre which he perfected like few others before or after him. This volume contains a selection of his most famous and enduring verse explorations of love, such as 'I...
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EBOOK Captain's Daughter

EBOOK Captain's Daughter


Autor: Alexander Pushkin

Wydawnictwo: The New York Review of Books
ISBN: 9781590177440
Kategoria: Pozostałe
An NYRB Classics OriginalAlexander Pushkin's short novel is set during the reign of Catherine the Great, when the Cossacks rose up in rebellion against the Russian empress. Presented as the memoir of Pyotr Grinyov, a nobleman, The Captain's Daughter tells how, as a feckless youth and fledgling officer, Grinyov was sent...
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EBOOK Captain's Daughter and Other Stories

EBOOK Captain's Daughter and Other Stories


Autor: Alexander Pushkin

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780307831972
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Famous for his enormously influential poetry and plays, Alexander Pushkin is also beloved for his short stories. This collection showcases his tremendous range, which enabled him to portray the Russian people through romance, drama, and satire. The sparkling humor of the five ';Tales of Belkin' contrasts with a dark fable of gambling and...
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EBOOK Tales of Belkin

EBOOK Tales of Belkin


Autor: Alexander Pushkin

Wydawnictwo: Melville House
ISBN: 9781612190815
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Ivan Petrovich Belkin left behind a great number of manuscripts.... Most of them, as Ivan Petrovich told me, were true stories heard from various people.First published anonymously in 1830, Alexander Pushkin's Tales of Belkin contains his first prose works. It is comprised of an introductory note and five linked stories,...
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EBOOK Captain's Daughter

EBOOK Captain's Daughter


Autor: Alexander Pushkin

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780307949660
Kategoria: Pozostałe
And Other StoriesFamous for his enormously influential poetry and plays, Alexander Pushkin is also beloved for his short stories. This collection showcases his tremendous range, which enabled him to portray the Russian people through romance, drama, and satire. The sparkling humor of the five ';Tales of Belkin' contrasts with a dark fable...
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