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EBOOK Blooms of Darkness

EBOOK Blooms of Darkness


Autor: Aharon Appelfeld

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780805242850
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Novel**WINNER OF THE 2012 INDEPENDENT FOREIGN FICTION PRIZE**A new novel from the award-winning, internationally acclaimed Israeli writer (';One of the greatest writers of the age'The Guardian), a haunting, heartbreaking story of love and loss.The ghetto in which the Jews have been confined is being liquidated by the Nazis, and...
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EBOOK All Whom I Have Loved

EBOOK All Whom I Have Loved


Autor: Aharon Appelfeld

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307481320
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelThe haunting story of a Jewish family in Eastern Europe in the 1930s that prefigures the fate of the Jews during World War II.At the center is nine-year-old Paul Rosenfeld, the beloved only child of divorced parents, through whose eyes we view a dissolving, increasingly chaotic world. Initially, Paul lives with his mothera secular,...
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